“All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
Sunday Morning
On Sunday mornings, we offer Bible studies for all ages starting at 9:30 a.m. Our classes meet in our church building, and any of our members would be happy to show you to a class that is just right for you and your family.
Senior Adults meet in our Fellowship Hall, our children meet on the second floor, and our youth and young adults meet on the third floor. These Bible study times last for an hour, and afterwards there is a fellowship time in the fellowship hall with breakfast items and coffee.
Wednesday Night
On Wednesday evenings, we gather together in our fellowship hall for a meal that begins at 5:15. The meal is offered at a low cost for adults, and is free for children and college students. Afterwards, we have a time of prayer and Bible study.
Our Pastor uses this time of study to preach both topically and verse by verse through books of the Bible. In the past, we have extensively studied several books of the Bible. These meetings are often full of great discussion over the Word of God.
At All Times
We believe that the Word of God has been given to us to be read and studied any time and anywhere. The Bible makes it clear that God’s Word should be something we are absorbed in at all times. We come to know God through His Word.
We encourage our congregation to actively pursue personal study of the Word of God. Through His Word, God grows us, transforms us, and shapes us into the image of His Son. We pray that the passion of our congregation’s hearts will be to study and love the Bible.